Results - 2020 Tasman Secondary School Ki o Rahi Regionals

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The 2020 Tasman Secondary School Ki o Rahi Regionals was held at Golden Bay High School on Thursday 27th February 2020.

Tasman Sport helped with the tournament, the Tasman area is one of the largest geographic areas covered by any of New Zealand’s 17 Regional Sports Trusts. The region has a population of 154,000 and spans from Buller in the West Coast through Tasman, Nelson, Marlborough and Kaikoura on the East Coast.  

The tournament attracts schools from all over the region and provides a chance for them to come together and test themselves against each other in the build up to the South Island and National tournaments.

We caught up with Blair Kircher of Sport Tasman to find out how the day went.

“Yesterday was a great day, it was my first experience of Ki o Rahi and I really enjoyed it, it was a fun day out”

 “It was a very tight competition. Tapawera & Collingwood gained some very valuble experience ln the build up to the SI area schools tournament week in Reefton. “Whilst Garin & Golden bay went head to head in an intense match up to decide the final results.”

  1. Garin College

  2. Golden Bay High School

  3. Tapawera area School

  4. Collingwood area school

Special Thanks to Cherie Chamberlain, Ki o Rahi ambassador for her amazing work with in the Tasman Region. Cherie is a key part of the growth and success of the game within the Tasman Region.

Congratulations to all the teams and all the best for the year and in future ki o rahi tournaments!

Danny Maera