Results - Te Nehenehenui Secondary School Ki o Rahi Regionals 2018

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Te Nehenehenui Secondary School Regionals 2018

Te Nehenehenui Ki o Rahi Championships was organised and implemented for the first time this year to provide a competition for Te Nehenehenui/King Country Secondary School teams to compete and qualify for the NZSS Ki o Rahi Nationals for 2019.

Te Kuiti High School lobbied for change, putting the idea to Sport Waikato's Secondary School advisor, Waikato/Tainui Ki O Rahi  and the National Ki O Rahi body.

TKHS consulted with iwi regarding the name for the comp and offered to host the inaugural competition, providing fields, administration, referees and resources.

 Initially 8 teams entered the competition, held on Friday 28th September 2018 at TKHS.

Five team played on the day, a round-robin competition. Congratulations to the winning school Te Kuiti High School and second place school Piopio College for qualifying for the NZSS Champs next year.

As Ki O Rahi is a growing sport right across New Zealand and this is the first step in ensuring rural areas and smaller rural schools  are represented at Nationals.

The National tournament will grow in numbers and importance (on the secondary school calendar) and provide an iwi based sport that appeals to all ages, both Maori and non-Maori, as well as other ethnicities.


Danny Maera